Friday, December 17, 2010

0.3 Release - Part 1

Unfortunately, I did not fully accomplish my goal for release 0.3 - I was able to make progress but in the end I did not turn out the way I had hoped. I tried to get JSON output working as exampled in the BuildAPI existing scripts but could not get it going. However, I did learn a tremendous amount of information which can be seen by browsing through my blog.

In addition, I have created a quick and concise How-to document for BuildAPI in hopes that the next student that possibly takes on BuildAPI will have a head start into the project and a better understanding of its inner workings without wasting too much time figuring it out.
Furthermore, there will also be a second document that provides more information on the controllers, models and template files that will be posted later.


Here is a link to the documentation:
It is in PDF form (clickable links included).

Below is my Getting Started documentation in HTML format, although I'd recommend viewing the PDF version instead:

Seneca College
How to Get Started with BuildAPI 

Andrew Singh 

Table of Contents 
Tasks Summary
I. Install MySQL and Import Database Snapshots
II. Install Python and Python SetupTools (Easy_install)
III. Install Google Python Visualizations Library
IV. Install MySQL-Python (MySQLdb for Python)
V. Install BuildAPI Files
VI. Configure and Run BuildAPI
VII. Optional: Set up sample project files
VIII. Resources

“BuildAPI is a Pylons project used by RelEng to surface information collected from two databases updated through our buildbot masters as they run jobs.”

This project consists of generating analytic reports which can be used for a multitude of purposes such as performance and usage tests or discovering rogue buildbot slave machines. Moreover, it will require querying databases for information on the BuildBot jobs, which will then be used to generate the necessary reports. 

 To install, configure and run BuildAPI

Tasks Summary 
  1. Install MySQL and import database snapshots 
  2. Install Python, Python SetupTools (Easy_install) and Pylons 
  3. Install Google Python Visualizations Library 
  4. Install MySQL-Python (MySQLdb for Python) 
  5. Install BuildAPI Files 
  6. Configure and Run BuildAPI 
  7. Optional: Set up sample project files 
  8. Resources 

I.        Install MySQL and Import Database Snapshots
Install MySQL 
Install Mysql and Mysql Server: 
yum –y install mysql mysql-server 

Enable the service at startup: 
/sbin/chkconfig mysqld on 

Start the MySQL server 
/sbin/service mysqld start 
Set the MySQL root password 
mysqladmin -u root password 'new-password' 
The quotes around the new password are required

Root can be used to access MySQL or a new MySQL user can be created for the project.
For testing purposes, root can be used.

Install Snapshots
Download the database snapshot files, which are in bunzip2 format. Please check for the latest snapshot releases, under “Project Requirements”.
If bunzip2 does not exist on the system, install it using: yum install bzip2

Extract the databases
bunzip2 schedulerdb-2010-10-22.sql.bz2 
bunzip2 statusdb-2010-10-22.sql.bz2 

Create the respective databases; Example: statusdb and schedulerdb in MySQL
$ mysql –uroot -ppassword
mysql> create database statusdb; 
mysql> create database schedulerdb; 
mysql> exit 

Import the databases into mysql server 
mysql –uroot -ppassword -hlocalhost statusdb < statusdb.sql
mysql –uroot -ppassword -hlocalhost statusdb < schedulerdb.sql

II.        Install Python and Python SetupTools (Easy_install)
Install Python 
yum install python 

Install Setup Tools 
yum install python-setuptools 

Install Pylons 
yum install pylons or easy_install Pylons
yum install python-pylons 

Virtual Environment 
We can also set up a virtual environment to work in, whereby it allows us to have multiple isolated environments for Python so it is possible to run different applications on the same system, but using different sets of installed Python packages. This is recommended by the Mozilla Release Engineering team. 

Install virtual environment using easy_install and read the readme file to activate 
easy_install virtualenv 

Manually installing virtual environment 
Use wget to get the latest package from

Untar the downloaded file, create a directory and activate the environment 
$ tar zxfv filename.tar.gz 
$ ~/venv/sandbox 
$ source ~/venv/sandbox/bin/activate 

Once in the sandbox, install packages as necessary, example: 
(sandbox)$ easy_install Pylons== 

If you will be working within a virtual environment, it is important that you install the necessary packages below in the same environment as well.
III.        Install Google Python Visualizations Library
Download the library from and extract it.

To install the library: 
cd into the extracted directory and run the command:
python ./ install 

Test the library by running python ./ test to make sure it is installed correctly
IV.        Install MySQL-Python (MySQLdb for Python)
Install Dependencies 
This package requires the python-devel dependency or it will not install properly.
yum install python-devel 
Install Package 
Once that is complete, we can install MySQLdb.  
You can stop the mysql server before installing MySQL-Python and restart it once complete.
yum install mysql-python 
In the event that it fails, you can also try a manual installation: 
Extract the downloaded file and change to its directory 

Run the commands: 
python build 
python install 

Optional: run the test to see if it is installed properly: python test
V.        Install BuildAPI Files
The easiest way to install BuildAPI is to use Python’s setup tools: 
easy_install buildapi 
This will also install SQLAlchemy which is required; otherwise it can be installed using easy_install SQLAlchemy

For manual installation, you can download the source files from and extract it to a directory called buildapi

This will create a directory structure similar to the following: 
 -------buildapi         (This is a nested directory)
 -------setup.cfg          (used for application setup)
 -------test.ini    (used for testing, i.e. when you run python test)

Run the command: 
python install 
VI.        Configure and Run BuildAPI
Next, BuildAPI must be configured to host content on your system, either through localhost or on the internet. Moreover, it uses the Paster server for hosting and requires creating and editing a configuration file. 

We will create our own configuration file using the command: 
paster make-config buildapi config.ini 
This command produces a different configuration file with sensible options for production use

Now we can edit the created config.ini configuration file and make changes as below.
use = egg:Paste#http 
host = 
port = 5000 

# SQLAlchemy database URL 
sqlalchemy.scheduler_db.url = mysql://root:root@localhost/schedulerdb 
sqlalchemy.status_db.url = mysql://root:root@localhost/statusdb 
sqlalchemy.pool_recycle = 3600 

Note: host can be set to any value such as to make it accessible on the internet provided configurations such as firewalls allow it.  The sqlalchemy database url and username:password fields as they may need editing accordingly if you have used different names or different databases.
Run BuildAPI 
To run, stop or reload BuildAPI, make sure you are in the buildapi directory (first level, where the config.ini file resides) and use the following commands
paster serve --start --daemon config.ini 
paster serve --stop --daemon config.ini 
paster serve --reload --daemon config.ini 

Whenever a change is made to the configuration file, or major changes made to controller files, the paster server must be reloaded.

Check the current directory (buildapi), there should be two files that were created: – contains the PID number for the Paster process
paster.logAll messages are contained in this file. Extremely useful file for troubleshooting!
Test it out! 
Depending on your config.ini configuration settings, direct the browser to  
http://localhost:5000                 or           http://domain:5000

And that’s it! BuildAPI should now be live on your system! 
VII.        Optional: Set up sample project files
These are files that were part of the BuildAPI project. They can be used to get a better understanding of BuildAPI and to understand of how it works, along with the blog posts (on

Additionally, see the page for a quick beginner tutorial as well.

Download Location 
Paster Configuration file 
Hello World controller file – a Getting Started controller 
Project Controller file 
Project Query file, which is the BuildAPI query file with Project queries appended 

Project template file 
Project file 

Directory Structure showing where files should be placed: 
+-- buildapi 
¦   +-- config, placed in config
¦   +-- controllers, placed in controllers
¦   +-- model, placed in model
¦   +-- templates        #project.mako, placed in templates
Note that other directories and files have been omitted

The Python library called Routes handles mapping URLs to controllers and their methods, or their action as Routes refers to them. By default, Pylons sets up the following routes (found in config/

Therefore, you can also edit the buildapi/buildapi/config/ file and add the following in manually, instead of using the provided file:
map.connect('/project', controller='project', action='index') 

This file controls how the controller or project site is accessed. The above means that the site is accessed, for example, by which will automatically redirect it to the index as defined in the controller file.

See blog posts on regarding how the model works.

A Word on Database and queries: 
It is important to understand the database structure and use the resources to figure out which queries and tables would provide the best indication of certain values, such as CPU usage. The queries are also done using SQLAlchemy and it can get complicated with complex queries, therefore, seek out help (See Resources section).
VIII.        Resources
It is extremely important to reach out to the community for help in any area. I cannot stress this enough. There are many resources available, such as IRC, official documentation and discussion groups that you can take advantage of. Some are listed below. 
channels:         #seneca        #mozilla
Blogs and Wikis: 
Discussion Groups 
Official Pylons Documentation (Pylons Documentation) (Free Online Pylons Book and amazing resource)
SBR600 (Seneca) BuildAPI Project Page: 

SBR600: Reflection

Course Reflections

For this to be my final semester, I had to take 7 courses, and so I did. I figured it would be challenging and it definitely was – especially also working part-time plus other responsibilities, but sometimes you 'just gotta do what you gotta do'.

I know I’m probably not the only one as there were others that were in similar positions; and to you all out there who’s graduating: Kudos! Cheers! This chapter is done, complete or whatever your word is, either way, run and tell that, run and tell that, run and tell that, home home home homeboy (if you don’t get the reference, click here and enjoy)

Okay, on to what is important though: My reflections on the course.
The first half was interesting, and I liked the fact that we had a tentative schedule that allowed us divide and devote our time appropriately to the course.

It was good to learn about Fedora’s build and release and I enjoyed creating RPMs and going through the process of creating our own SPEC files, testing build times, signing our RPMS and testing packages on different platforms.

I have to say that was definitely one of my favorite parts of this course. If I had to do this course again (and not that I want to, lol) and choose a project I would have chosen one to rebuild packages or test builds and build times, but no worries, there was only love for BuildAPI...and some frustration. I’ll leave my thoughts on that for last.

As I mentioned in my GIT blog post I’ve used version control clients (SVN) before but never GIT. However, after playing around with it for this course, I actually used it for another course, INT620, which involved creating a website using PERL and TT2. I used GIT to keep track of changes to the website files and it worked out quite well…for the period of time I used it as we eventually switched to using Mercurial. I’m kind of ranting off topic here. Let’s move on to the projects.

It was my fault for missing the class where Chris Tyler explained each project and the respective general expectations. However, we were given a wide choice of projects to choose from that were well thought out and incorporated a little bit of everything; it definitely gains points on my recommendation scale for this course! In regards to that, if there any students who have not taken SBR600 yet, I would highly suggest that you do and also see my “Advice” section later on this post.

The second half of the course focused on developing my chosen project - BuildAPI. I must say there were difficulties along the way and these projects require our own initiative to progress. There were the tasks of learning Python, Pylons, SQLAlchemy queries, MVC model (see previous blog posts) and integrating it all. Although, I may have went too deep into it and should have been more focused on specific goals rather than trying to figure out everything in such a short time.

BuildAPI was especially challenging at the beginning, but I pushed along albeit slowly to gain results and ultimately new knowledge. However, as I worked my way through and progressed, there was a satisfying sense of accomplishment from researching, learning and putting the knowledge to practical use.

Even while working on my INT620 website project using Perl and TT2, I often reflected on how our project can also be done in pylons since it encompassed similar processes as my BuildAPI project: querying databases, displaying/managing data and using a model like the MVC to separate the application code from business.

But I also believe I learned something much greater than learning the ropes on my project. And that is the value of the resources available - the large community of able-bodied and willingly helpful souls. SBR600 opened my eyes to the “community”.

What about my advice for those who plan on taking this course?
-    Do it, take it
-    Choose your project wisely and one that you will thoroughly enjoy
      o    Some projects involve scripting – such as learning Python (which you ultimately do by yourself)
-    Get involved with the community – seek help, and do not be afraid to ask ANY question regardless of how “ridiculous” you may think it sounds
-    Get INVOLVED with the COMMUNITY, success in the course, project and perhaps your career depend on it

Lastly, Cheers and Thanks to: Chris Tyler, Armen Zambrano, Mike Orr, fellow students, IRC users cthomas and aki, blogs, Mozilla Release Engineering, others and the Google group - Pylons-Discuss for all the help!

Oh wait....I have to post 0.3 for the project! I will do that shortly!