Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Revisited: Testing RPM build times - Part 1

In my last post, Testing RPM Build times, I had used different -j values in the ~/.rpmmacros file to find the best value that resulted in the fastest build time for NLED, which is a very small package and the build time was relatively fast at around 6 seconds. However, after reading Chris Tyler's email today and chatting with him on IRC (, #seneca channel), it came to my attention that
"most of that time is spent in unpacking the tarball and packing the RPMs, which are unaffected by the -j value"
In addition, Chris informed us of a build log file that contained a list of packages and build times that we could use to find a solid package to rebuild and test the -j value properly. This file can be found at

Therefore, I am rebuilding SNORT, which I had compiled from source here, to finally get the proper results of the -j values.

Oh and lucky me! According to the build log file, SNORT typically takes approximately 433 seconds to build!

Regardless, I am using a script to let it run overnight and I will post the results tomorrow evening.

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