Friday, September 10, 2010

SBR600 Communication Lab

My name is Andrew Singh. I am currently a 6th (and final) semester student at Seneca College in the Computer Systems Technology course. I plan to graduate with high honours so here's to the start of another to-be-great semester (and with that: raises a glass of beer)!

This blog was created for two purposes:
  1. For my current Software Build and Release course SBR600, and
  2. as a blog for my web and graphic designs.

A few thing about me:
  • I love programming (PERL, PHP and learning JavaScript and AJAX. I am willing to learn any programming language!) 
  • My flavour of Linux would definitely be Fedora
  • I create web and graphic designs, currently for my (own) company ASDesigned (Site will be up shortly)

There's more but let's get started with SBR600. Our first assignment was to complete the Communication Lab, and without further ado:

Here is my Seneca Wiki:  Seneca Wiki 

And here you will find me on Fedora Wiki: Fedora Wiki

For IRC, I've decided to use the firefox plugin called ChatZilla (which can be found here: ChatZilla Plugin for Firefox). It is definitely a lightweight and easy-to-use extension with similar capabilities as usual IRC clients as noted from the official description:
ChatZilla provides all the usual IRC client features: multiple servers, a built-in list of standard networks, easy searching and sorting of available channels, logging, and DCC chat and file transfers, plus easy customization with JavaScript plug-ins and CSS styling.
You may find me on IRC under the freenode network (irc:// under the #seneca channel.
IRC username: asingh 

Additionally, here is a screenshot of ChatZilla in the #seneca channel on the freenode network:

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