I’ve heard the word Git thrown around here and there, and in these past years the only thing I knew of Git was that it was some sort of repository. However, after further reading, it seemed very much like Subversion, which I’ve used for Papervision (Adobe Flash) projects. I guess it was time to get acquainted with Git.
Git is a version control system, like subversion, however each user has their own repository and these repositories can push changes to a central repository.
Getting Started - Testing
To start off testing git, first change to the directory that you want to work with (project directory).
$ cd /public/svn/
I added two files in here: file.txt and test.txt
The first thing that needs to be done is to initialize your repository.
$ git init
Initialized empty Git repository in /public/svn/.git/Notice that the .git directory is hidden.
If you would like to name the repository or to add a description, there is a file appropriately named description in the .git/ directory that you can edit.
Adding Files
To add files to the repository, we would use the command:
$ git add .
This recursively adds all files in the current directory. Of course, we can specify only to add specific files or a group of files rather than all files by simply specifying the files as arguments after git add.
To commit importing the files and thereby adding them to the repository index, we use:
$ git commit
At which git will open the .git/COMMIT_EDITMSG file and prompt you to enter a “commit message” or a description of the changes or what has been done.
This can be done quicker by simply using the –m “description” argument:
$ git commit –m “Initial repository setup”
[master (root-commit) a980722] Initial repository setup
0 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
create mode 100644 file.txt
create mode 100644 test.txt
Making Changes to Files
Now if we were to make any changes to our files:
1. We first have to use the $ git add command again as this will incrementally add these changes to the repository index
2. Then we use the $ git commit command once more to commit these changes.
To simplify this two step process, we can simply use the following:
$ git commit –a
Any files that are already in Git’s repository index that have been changed will be updated in the repository. This one command will stage and commit in one step.
However, it is important to note that these files have to be already known by git, that is, in its index or else it would not commit any changes. If the file is not already in the index, just use the $ git add command to add it.
Renaming and Removing Files
To remove or rename files it is just the same as doing it on the command line except we add git in front of the command, such as:
$ git mv file.txt file2.txt
$ git rm test.txt
Note: There is the git log command that’s awesome, it shows you a list of recent commits (and also their hashes).
Also use the git status command to check the status of the local repository (it will show you if files have been changed/committed). If you use the git status command and notice “nothing added to commit but untracked files present” that means you either need to tell git to ignore those files as you perhaps don’t want it to track them, or if you do, use git add to start tracking.
I noticed all of these changes were being done under the “master” branch. It is a good idea to create different branches for different parts or features of your project. This is done by:
$ git branch branchname
And you can create as many as you need. It is also very easy to switch between branches by using
$ git checkout branchname
Branches can be checked out individually or merged with the master branch or other branches.
There is a lot of information on Git available, such as on:
Git Documentation or the Git Community Book
So far I’m liking Git, and I want to use it for my BuildAPI project to track changes – maybe after release 0.2 I’ll try to set it up.
All I gotta say is I just need to Git ‘er done!
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